While reasonable care has been taken during the preparation of this website, the developer and its agents make no warranty, representation or undertaking whether expressed or implied, nor assume any legal liability, whether direct or indirect nor take responsibility for the accuray, completeness, or usefulness of any information contained herein, and may not be held responsible for any inaccuracy. The reader will release all liabilities on the developer, agents, and all other third parties related to any information contained herein. All information and specification are current at the time of print, may be changed by the developer and/or it agents without prior notice as may be required, and shall not form parts of an offer or contract. All plans are subject to any amendment approved by the relevant authority or other related parties. Rendering and illustrations are artist impressions only and cannot be ragarded as representations of fact. All figures are not scale, approximate and will be subject to other conditions.
Size and dimension are approximate measurements using equipment, criteria, and method determined by the developer. The developer has the absolute right to determine the schedule, phases, design of the project. Any information contained herein and the suggested recommendation of any subject by the developer its agents, and/or third parties may be incorrect and inaccurate and it is only a reference that is subject to further reasearch and verification by the reader. This is not an offer to sell, nor solicitation of offers to buy office untis. All office units are calculated on a semi-gross basis by the developer. Please invest carefully. Future results are not guaranteed. Other conditions apply. The reader should make its own equiries to verify the information contained therein. Please always seek for up-to-date information. All the contents may not be reproduced nor copied directly without the written consent of the developer. Copyright and all rights reserved.